Tom Pidcock and RPM Cycling have earned a place in cycling history. After capturing the Junior cyclocross World Title in Luxemburg last January, today in Bergen, Norway the young British ace took home the World Title for the Junior individual time trial as well. On the challenging route, Pidcock dominated the race against the clock from the very start, riding for 21.1 km of the route in just 28’02"15, at an average speed of 45.156 km/h. Behind him, Italian Antonio Puppio came in second at 12”, and Poland’s Filip Maciejuk was third at 13”. 

Thanks to the talents of their young champion, RPM cycling could also celebrate their second World Title in 2017. In fact, this season the brand from Montebelluna specializing in technical sports clothing for cycling has clothed and contributed to the successes by the English team on which Tom is a beacon, Team Ph-MAS-Paul Milnes ERT. Cyclocross and time trial in the same season; a world double never accomplished by anyone before him. And Pidcock’s World Championships adventure doesn’t end here. In fact, the one day race in Bergen will be held on Saturday, and the British wonder-kid will try for an awesome iridescent triple play.

“I knew that the podium was a possibility, but I didn’t think that I would actually clinch the victory, no less,” said a radiant Pidcock at the end of the race. “From the very start I was feeling really great; I wasn’t calculating but I just thought about giving it all I had, all the way to the finish line. I’m very happy, but there is no time to celebrate. Now it’s important to stay concentrated and recuperate the energy I expended in this test to prepare as best I can for the one day race on Saturday.”