RPM: in January 2015 featured in two Italian trade Magazines

Great news from Italy! This month RPM quality is featured in 2 famous magazines in the field, “MTB” and “Triathlete”.
In the January-February edition, Triathlete no. 215, there’s an interesting article on “special skinsuit”, describing the main characteristics of RPM triathlete skinsuits.
RPM quality skinsuits guarantee best performance while favouring dynamic thermoregulation, fast drying and transpiration.
RPM triathlete trisuits are available in many different models, they can be personalised and you can have the choice of your favourite chamois.
MTB magazine features an article accompanied by 2 photos showing our RPM technical custom sportswear. It provides useful suggestions and guides on how to successfully train and workout quad and calf muscles. Even during training it’s important to wear the right sportswear so as to simulate and reproduce competitive conditions.
So, what are you waiting for… if you need more information about our sport custom clothing take a look here!